Athletics Ireland Athlete Commission - Athletics Ireland
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Athletics Ireland Athlete Commission

11 October 2021

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The Board of Athletics Ireland has approved the Terms of Reference for an Athletes Commission, the role of which will be to provide Athletics Ireland current international athletes and recently retired international athletes with a formal mechanism for their views to be heard by the Board of Athletics Ireland on important matters and to ensure that athlete welfare and well-being matters are appropriately considered by the Board of Athletics Ireland.

The primary responsibilites of the Athletes Commission will be to:

  • To act as a voice for international athletes.
  • To ensure strong channels of communication are in place to ensure athlete specific issues are highlighted at the appropriate level of the organisation.
  • To support the work of the Athletics Ireland Board and organisation.
  • To ensure strong international athlete advocacy.
  • To provide an avenue for international athlete grievances to be considered.
  • To act as advocates for Athletics Ireland.

To be eligbile to be serve on the Athlete Commission:

  • Be a minimum of 20 years of age at the time of international representation and at the time of appointment. 
  • Have represented Athletics Ireland at European or World international competition in the previous four (4) years and be a current member of AI.
  • Current athletes and recently retired international athletes who are in good standing with the Association.
  •  Be available to attend (either in person or by electronic means) a minimum of two meetings per year.
  • As a condition of membership, all Athlete Commission members must adhere to the Athletics Ireland Code of Conduct.
  • Athletes would be considered ineligible if they have been sanctioned for a doping offence in their sporting career or committed a serious breach of the Rules and Regulations of Athletics Ireland, World Athletics, or European Athletics.

Composition / Appointment:

  • The Athletes Commission will comprise a maximum of seven (7) members, five (5) elected  and two (2) appointed by the Board of AAI, ensuring an appropriate skills mix and balance in relation to gender, age, athletic events including recently retired athletes.
  • Plus, any athlete who may be a member of the European or World Athletics Athlete Commissions. 
  • The initial term of the commission will be until the 31st December 2022, initially members will be appointed by the Board, on the recommendation of the HPD.
  • When appropriate, election processes will be established to achieve a diverse commission.
  • After the 31st December 2022, the commission members will be elected by the current Senior International Athlete group.
  • Each representative may serve a two (2) year term of office, and a further 2 years if eligible.
  • One member of the commission will initially be appointed as Chair of the Commission by the Board of AAI and subsequently the Chair will be elected by the Athlete Commission elected representatives. 
  • Only one athlete can be elected covering a particular Event Group, i.e., Jumps, Throws, Walks, Track, Cross Country & Road.
  • Quorum for any meet is five (5) members.

 The full Terms of Reference can be viewed by clicking here.

Athletes interested in being involved in this Commission should submit an Expression of Interest Form here by Friday Dec 3rd 2021 (NB - deadline extended from original date of October 22nd, 2021).

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