Workshops are an integral part of the Performance Pathway Programme. The workshops are designed to be as pertinent and interactive as possible.
Maximising Performance through Sleep and Recovery Optimisation by Sarah Jane Cullen, Sport Physiologist
Balancing multiple commitments as an Athlete by Carol Keegan, Life Skills Team
Pre Run Activation Drills For The Endurance Runner, Active AAI
Planning and Periodisation for Performance Pathway Coaches by Conor Wilson, Coach Education Manager
2023-2024 Athletics Ireland Performance Pathway Programme by Jacqui Freyne, Performance Pathway Manager
Coach Athlete Preparation From Warm-Up To Competition Ready by Conor Wilson, Coach Education Manager
2023 October Performance Pathway Anti-Doping Workshop by Róisín Lande, Athlete Services, Carding & Anti-Doping Manager
Coping with change, goal setting through this time. Followed by athletes sharing their best ‘coping’ ideas by Jessie Barr, Performance Psychologist
Learning how to cook at home, cooking with 3rd level in mind, structure around meals and training. Followed by The Great Pathway Bake-Off…athletes actually cooking one of David’s recipe’s and posting pictures of their creations by David Tobin, Performance Nutritionist
Mobilisation and foam rolling around injury prevention. Dealing with enforced training surface/volume/frequency changes, in the absence of physio support etc. Followed by athlete posting pics of their ‘new training regime’ by Ciara McCallion, Physiotherapist
Planning transition into college/out of juveniles into ‘seniors’, /’real life’/new normal again by Emma Saunders, Performance Life-Skills
Interactive discussion with Coaches helping with injury prevention, with a specific focus on returning to training safely post the first COVID-19 lockdown by Ciara McCallion, Physiotherapist
This workshop helps understand EQ, identify key skills for athletes to create a healthy balance and understand how to apply strategies and tools to their everyday life to help in the development of a well-rounded athlete. This workshop also teaches Performance Pathway Athletes how to best utilise the Athletics Ireland Performance Pathway Academic & Training Diary by by Carol Keenan
This workshop was designed with the various 2022 Championships for Performance Pathway Athletes. It looks at the impact of travel on an athlete and how to best prepare for this. This workshop also looks at the heat expected in each region and the strategies athletes can adapt to prepare for the heat and combat its effects while at the competing in hot climates. Finally, this workshop looks at recovery, the various elements involves and how to maximise your recovery by Ciara Sinnott O'Connor
The outcome is that coaches will be able to plan for the 2020/2021 season through an ability to:
Goal set with your athlete(s)
Write a basic training phase plan
Write a draft competition plan for 2021 (with contingencies)
Write a performance plan for submission to AAI (if appropriate) by Hayley Harrison
Looking at how athletes might plan and organise their meals to fuel the winter training block and the different sessions within this block. Even more pertinent during Level 5, with the new restrictions and a possible shift in training modes, times, venues etc by David Tobin
This virtual workshop will cover key areas of injury prevention and performance improvement including load management, strength & conditioning, mobility work, biomechanics, etc while still taking a holistic approach to recovery and performance by Ciara McCallion
Two athletes can attend training for the same number of hours but make very different levels of progress. If one athlete is focused on their learning and the other is just going through the motions, we would expect the former to progress much more than the latter. However, there is more to effective practice than just paying attention and trying hard. Top athletes use a range of strategies to enhance the quality of their practice and accelerate their learning. This workshop will discuss effective learning strategies by Philip Kearney
The aim of this workshop is to equip the athletes with some psychological strategies to help them prepare for performance. Ways to build confidence, develop a positive mindset, set goals and cope with competition day nerves will be discussed by Jessie Barr
A workshop to share some of the learnings from the current EMPATIA (Education Model for Parents of Athletes in Academics) project by Eoin Rheinisch
CTA Text: Workshop