Walking Your First Run


Starting something new can be intimidating as well as exciting but having support along the journey can really help make a difference. Now is your opportunity to experiment with running and give it a chance to fit into your life. There is a run in all of us with the right kind of preparation and training.

Some advice from Athletics Aficionado Frank Greally on getting started;

“If you’re new to running there’s nothing worse than slipping on your trainers and setting out at full speed, only to be out of breath and feeling deflated after a few hundred metres. There's no shame in starting out walking and building up gradually.

One thing to remember when training is that A Little- A Lot will always trump A Lot- A Little. In other words, Hasten Slowly!  It's all about consistency and making the best of your Gift Of Days- each of them- One Day More And One Day Less that you have to celebrate on Planet Earth.”


Whether you’re a feisty first-timer or back after a little break, it’s important to pace yourself. Remember, you’re striving for progress not perfection. So why not walk your first run?

Yes, walking uses the same muscles and joints you use when running, so it’s a pretty sensible place to start. Plus, a decent power walk can still boost your mood and burn calories.

Of course, if you feel like breaking into a jog — or even a run — while you’re walking then go ahead. Just don’t pressure yourself into continuing the run once you get tired. It’s fine to stop and walk again. Regular runners do this all the time — they call it taking an ‘active rest’ in between higher-paced runs.

Why not get started today – Try walking for a few minutes with 30 seconds light jogging intervals built in.

After a few weeks you'll have built up your baseline fitness. You can then look at progressing to our beginner 5k training plan.


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