Athletics Ireland and the athlete development sector are delighted to announce dates for the AAI provincial squads 2024. We are excited to welcome athletes, coaches and parents to the squads and hope these days provide you with an opportunity to progress, network, learn and enjoy taking part in our wonderful sport.
This year the squads will cater for development athletes (U13- U15 2024 age groups) and athletes who meet criteria to attend the performance squads (U 16- U20 2024 age groups Top 4 at provincial championships / top 8 at national championships). This year , the performance squad athletes will enjoy an educational workshop in the morning followed by an event specific training session with their squad coach in the afternoon.
Criteria for attending
Development athletes : U13- U 15 2024 age group Club athletes.
Performance squad (Invite Only) : U16- U 20 2024 age group athletes who placed top 4 at their provincial championships / Top 8 at National championships .
This year, the performance squad athletes will enjoy an educational workshop in the morning followed by an event specific training session with their squad coach in the afternoon. These workshops will include:
The science of training and recovery
Health and wellness tracking
Strength and conditioning / prehab for the developing athlete.
Irish University athletics pathway
Booking links are below if you could share with your athletes / groups.
(Top 4 at provincial championships / Top 8 at National Championships– lists are being finalised and will be send out by RDO’s to each province shortly)
The regional squads provide support and expertise to our emerging young athletes to help them to fulfil their potential.
The regions are split into Connaught, Munster, Dublin & Leinster & Ulster.
The squad sessions complement the work which is carried out by clubs and personal coaches.
Our Regional Squads help promising young athletes by providing them with educational and motivational training days, including the opportunity to listen to guest speakers.
Apart from providing specialist coaching and training opportunities, these squad sessions give young athletes a chance to meet their peers in a social and non-completive environment.
Attendance at the Squads
The squads are broken into two sections – a Development squad which caters for athletes aged U13 to U15 and the Performance squad comprising of athletes aged U16 to U19.
The Performance squad is open to invited athletes while the Development section for the younger athletes is open to all.
Full details of the selection criteria for Performance Squads for each province will be available at end of September each year and posted in the development section of the AAI website and also e-mailed to all clubs.
Parents and coaches are also strongly encouraged to attend as they may also benefit from observing the training sessions.
Please note Squad days are open to registered Athletics Ireland club members only