Five Nations Race Walking Meet Odense Denmark - Athletics Ireland

Five Nations Race Walking Meet Odense Denmark

17 August 2007

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Overall Team win for Irish Resultatliste 5-nationers match, Odense d. 4. august 2007 20 km Race Walk 1 Bruno Grandjean 1983 Schweiz 1.34.12 2 David Kidd 1982 Irland 1.35.45 3 Jacob SØrensen1974 Danmark 1.37.24 4 John Egan 1982 Irland 1.39.24 5 Urbain Girod 1963 Schweiz 1.41.31 6 Andreas W. Nielsen 1988 Danmark 1.48.19 7 Jesper M. Thomsen 1978 Danmark 1.49.08 8 Pedro Huntjens 1967 Holland 1.51.04 9 Viktor Mennen 1963 Holland 1.57.04 Jacques van.Bremen 1984 Holland dq‚ Jeroen De Meyer 1987 Belgien dnf Senior Team: 1 Schweiz17 2 Irland16 3 Danmark13 4 Holland7 5 Belgien0 5 km junior 1 Paul Fitzpatrick 1989 Irland 22.44 2 Christopher Burki 1988 Schweiz 23.31 3 Andreas W. Nielsen1988 Danmark 26.06 Junior Team: 1 Irland 6 2 Schweiz 4 3 Danmark 3 Overall Points totals 1 Irland 22 2 Schweiz 21 3 Danmark 16 4 Holland 7 5 Belgien 0

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