Forest Feast Agility Challenge DMP AC - Athletics Ireland

Forest Feast Agility Challenge DMP AC

28 November 2014

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Young Athletes from DMP  Athletics Club were presented  with a Forest Feast Little  Athletics Pack in Murntown Co. Wexford,  as part   of  a  nationwide   programme   which   is   encouraging    and   providing resources  for  children   to  become involved in grassroots athletics.

DMP Athletics Clubs in Co. Wexford recently hosted the Forest Feast Agility Challenge in Murntown Co. Wexford, over 50 young athletes turned up on the night and all seemed to enjoy the challenge.

The recent partnership between Athletics Ireland and dried fruit and nut experts Forest Feast supports the growth of grassroot athletics in Ireland through the major sponsorship of Little Athletics.

Athletics Ireland developed the initiative to enhance the agility,  co­ ordination   and balance  of 5-10yearolds, the age group identified  as the fundamental stage in longer term physical  development of children.

Regional Development Officer

Colin Byrne, regional  development officer for Athletics  Ireland said: "This programme makes athletics  fun for kids and now with Forest Feast we  can   work   to   increase  participation  here  in  Murntown, Co, Wexford and  across  Ireland.   We are very   enthusiastic   about   the   programme and I am looking  forward to  seeing  children   locally  reap  the rewards. Thanks to all the athletes for getting involved and also to the DMP coaches and volunteers for their help on the night.”

Forest Feast Little Athletics Programme

The  Forest Feast  Little  Athletics programme  is  being  delivered   by Athletics Ireland's seven regional development officers and by Athletics  Leaders  adults   trained  by Athletics  Ireland  through   the  Athletic Leader  coaching  qualification. The development officers are working   with   the   leaders   within   the clubs to deliver the programme during Autumn and Spring.

The    regional    development   officers will visit over 200 clubs throughout the year.  They will  focus on the use of games to develop fitness  in a fun way. Props such as hurdles, obstacles, medicine  balls,  foam javelins,   and hula-hoops will be used  to encourage  tumbling,   running,    throwing, hopping  and jumping.

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