The second Munster Junior Endurance Performance squad camp took place last weekend at the Banna Beach Hotel complex. The majority of athletes had successfully negotiated the Munster Schools XC Championships the previous Thursday and were a highly motivated bunch for the entire 3 days.
Saturday consisted of a team meeting where lead coach Collette O Riordan outlined the structure of the weekend and the expectations around the entire camp. All the athletes went for a run, mostly recovery in nature. Later two of the athletes Micheal and Ruairi demonstrated a dynamic warm up routine for the younger athletes. They then got the younger athletes to practice this routine. According to all the girls, "They were AMAZING".
Sunday morning the real work began for most, various sessions on the grass/dune area next to the beach. Sadly the tide was in. There were 6 groups and the workouts ranged from tempo, interval and fartlek, with everyone accommodated. A big thank you to Noel Curtin who arrived especially, to take one of the groups. Underfoot conditions were tough to say the least, but it was invigorating to observe everyone working hard, driving out through muck and ankle deep puddles. Later that afternoon, lead coach Ray Shanahan took a middle distance workshop for all athletes. Here he looked at the requirements to be a top class 800/1500 m runner. After this the younger athletes joined lead coach Pat Hogan for a "getting to know you", basic anatomy & physiology and an interactive practical A.I.F session.
Monday was a beautiful day in Banna, blue skies, snow capped mountains and dead calm. We were surely in another country. Everyone did a long run at 10 am followed by strides and hurdle mobility drills. The camp finished with 2 workshops “The Female Triad” for all the girls led by lead coach Niamh O'Sullivan and Collette O'Riordan took all the lads for a workshop entitled "Doing the little things right". Pat Hogan closed the camp with a question & answer session and the clean up began.
We the coaches would like to thank all the staff at Banna Beach Hotel, they were as always extremely helpful and friendly. We would also say a huge thank you to all the athletes who were highly motivated, in good form, respectful and well behaved for the entire weekend. The athletes now continue their preparation towards the National Senior Indoor Championships and the All Ireland Schools XC Championships. The final Munster camp will take place on April 8th-10th.