
Traffic Management Plan GloHealth Track and Field Championships 2014

17 July 2014

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Saturday & Sunday 19th  & 20th  July 2014

Morton Stadium & Santry Demesne, Dublin


The parking plan for the event is to utilise the following areas:


  • The car park for the public will be in Santry Demense once all available parking in Morton Stadium is utilised. Stewards will direct people where to park on arrival.
  • Parking in Morton Stadium to be controlled by stewards provided by Athletics Ireland. These stewards must be in place from 11am on both Saturday and Sunday to ensure proper control and allocation is in place. Athletics Ireland will have officials collecting entry tickets and entrance fees at Gates 2 and 3.
  • Parking stewards will be in place to control access to VIP parking and to the available spaces on the grass.
  • It should be noted part of the normal parking area is allocated to TV broadcasting equipment and must be taped off.
  • An area of the grass near the carpark area has to also be taped off for GloHealth on the Sunday.
  • Athletics Ireland has to provide 4 stewards to control parking within the designated area in Santry Demesne.
  • Parking for Club buses will be in in Gulliver’s Retail Park at the upper end of Northwood Avenue, just off the M.50. Again, there will be Stewards present to direct the buses to their parking. (Only Club buses will be admitted to this site).


Public Car Parking:

Public car parking will operate from coming to the event will be directed to park in the various Gulliver’s car parks  on arrival  via the Ballymun Road, or Northwood via off the Swords Road.

Club Buses

Club buses will park at Gulliver’s Retail Park (Top end) coming from Ballymun Road down Northwood Avenue  or coming from the Swords Road. Specific directions will be issued to Clubs in advance of the event.


Access into the car park will be managed by stewards provided by Athletics Ireland.  Gardai will monitor the movement of traffic in the vicinity of the venue  in  the overall interest of  traffic management.

No parking is permitted on the main route through Northwood complex, or along the Santry Road in front of Morton Stadium. The Gardai will have such vehicles towed away. 


Officials will park in Morton Stadium- Clonliffe entrance and will only be admitted on production of the appropriate pass. Officials will need to be in the Stadium by 12.30pm on Saturday 19th July  to avail of refreshments and to be briefed on their tasks.


**Stewards will also avail of parking in Morton Stadium as appropriate. They will  have to be present from on both  to avail of refreshments and be briefed on their specific tasks.


VIPs will park in Morton  Stadium entering at the Main Gate, on a strictly permit allocated basis. Appropriate access material will issue with the invitation.


Spectators will enter Morton Stadium via Gate No 2. Control flows will be in operation to safely convey them to various accessible vantage areas. Some seating will be available in the Main Stand, with vantage points being the terracing and the two grass banks at either end of the stadium.


Traffic signage will be coordinated by Athletics Ireland and Fingal County Council.  The signage specification will be attached to the Event Safety Plan within the appendices at section 16.

Vehicle Passes

The following passes will be in use (samples enclosed within section 16 and made available in advance to An Garda Siochana and G4S Security:

VIP parking within main   car park  – VIP PARKING passes
Officials and Steward parking Santry Demense – OFFICIAL  STEWARD passes
STARTERS and STAFF for Gate 2 – OFFICIALS  Morton Stadium.
Club buses – Gulliver’s retail Park. CLUB BUS PASS.
TV  vehicles  – As above VIP pass, access and parking in Main Santry Stadium car park.


Police Traffic Management

A number of Garda will be present at the event and a number of Garda vehicles will be on hand to assist the event as necessary.

The Gardai will also cone off all along the road on front of Morton Stadium to prevent any illegal parking.

This traffic management plan to be read in conjunction with the Morton Stadium Mobility Plan which is set out overall Event Plan.


Map of Santry Area

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