1,500m PB for Orla Drumm - Athletics Ireland

1,500m PB for Orla Drumm

7 June 2007

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KitKat All Ireland schools results with wind readings - NIAF New Website - Bohermeen road race - Dublin Graded Results
Orla Drumm (UCC) ran a PB of 4:18.24 when finishing 8th in the 1,500M at the Askina 2007 International Meet in Kassel, Germany
KitKat all Ireland Schools Results - with Wind ReadingsResults
Dublin Graded Meet Results
Welcome to our New Look Website: www.niathletics.org NI Athletic Federation launches its new look website. After listening to users of the website, it has been re-designed so that it is less cluttered, faster to load and easier to use. Visitors should also find it easier to locate information, now that there is a Search facility located throughout the website on the bottom left-hand side of the screen. In turn this aided by expandable menus so that when you click on a section in the main navigation on the left, it automatically expands to show you the contents of that section. The same menu options are available across the top but we have included more accessible links on the Home Page to the most popular sections- Results and Fixtures. Marketing & Communications Officer Clare McCoy feels the new look homepage is more user-friendly and appealing to the user. It has a new modern feel and with the amount of people logging on to it, it is imperative that the user can find what they are looking for. Website hits have been increasingly rapidly over the last few months and so we felt now is the time to make essential changes. We have also introduced online entry for the NI & Ulster Senior Track & Field Championships being held on Saturday 16th June at Antrim Stadium. This will go live tomorrow (Wednesday 30th May 2007). The NIAF will continuously be looking to improve the website, by listening to the thoughts and opinions, of you the user. So if you have any ideas as to how the website can be made better then please feel free to send us your feedback. Let us know what you think of the current new-look homepage. Email: Clare McCoy (Website): marketing@niathletics.org or call 02890 602707.
www.bohermeenac.com Bohermeen Athletic Club Co Meath 1927-2007 Promotes 22nd Patrick Bell Memorial Road Race and Walk Friday June 22nd at 8pm Venue: Bohermeen Community Centre, Co.Meath Awards Men 1st 6 athletes across the line. 1st 4 teams of 4 to count .The winning team of 6 wins the Paddy Murtagh perpetual cup. 1st 3 juniors, 1st 2 teams of 3 to count. Anyone from U/20 down can count on the team. 1st 3 Meath novice grade 2007. Masters 1st 3 0/35, 0/40, 0/45, 0/50, 0/55, 0/60. Please note the overall winner of the men’s race receives the beautiful Patrick Bell memorial trophy for 1 year. The team of 6 category can consist of any combination of senior junior or masters athletes. Ladies 1st 6 athletes across the line. 1st 3 teams of 4 to count .The winning team of 4 receives the Mallon perpetual cup. 1st 3 junior, 1st 2 teams of 3 to count . Anyone from U/20 down can count on the team. Masters 1st 3 0/35, 0/40, 0/45, 0/50, 0/55, 0/60. Each finisher will receive a special commissioned medallion when they finish the 5k, either running or walking. There is a special award for the family with the largest representation inclusive of running and walking. There is also a special award to the club who has the largest representation. There are also loads of spot prizes. Following the 5k we invite you to enjoy some live music and barbeque, enjoy the big running and walking social event of mid summer week. We promise an unforgettable evening of fun and culture, and enjoy the smell of a good turf fire. The promotion takes place on traffic free country roads and in 2006 over 300 people took part. Entry fee for the 5k is 12 euro if you are over age 20 and 6 euro under 20 down. Proceeds from the promotion are going to Navan meals on wheels .so we ask you to use your health to benefit a valued service right on our door step. To enter please ring, email or post to Stephen Ball 046-9027041 Stephen Ball, Bohermeen ,Navan ,Co Meath, Ireland stephenball@iolfree.ie

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