2023 Athlete Carding - Applications Open - Athletics Ireland
High Performance

2023 Athlete Carding - Applications Open

27 October 2022

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Applications are now open for 2023 Athletics Ireland Athlete Carding Scheme. All athletes must submit a Carding Application by the deadline of Friday November 11th 2022 in order to be considered for carding selection.  

Athletics Ireland will manage and administer the athlete carding scheme for all levels of carding, including Sport Ireland Cading at International, World Class and Podium levels. The carding scheme is a selection process whereby athletes must achieve performance criteria laid out within a selection policy to be considered for membership to the programme.

The carding scheme outlines Athletics Ireland’s High Performance Carding support programme, known as the Operation Gold Performance Programme or ‘OGPP’. The OGPP document outlines the programme support structures, selection process and policy, the selection panel, appeals process, and how athletes will be considered for carding at the various levels of the programme.


Programme Structure

The Operation Gold Performance Programme will select and invest in athletes to provide “more opportunities” and to “achieve performance results” that will be supported on two levels:
1. Performance - Individual Carding: support athletes who can deliver on our performance goals and meet with the individual selection criteria set out within the different levels and age groups: Podium - World-Class -International, Development, Emerging Talent, Discretionary and Relay Team categories.

2. Opportunity - Team Ireland Carding: support athletes who do not meet with the criteria for individual carding but are given an opportunity (identified as a potential and/or selected) to represent Athletics Ireland at a major championship.  Each year Athletics Ireland will identify and publish on its website the High Performance calendar of selected ‘Team IRL’ major championships.

Process of Carding

All current carded and any newly considered athletes must (re)apply for carding each year.  The applications for 2023 athlete carding will be available in October 2022 on HP section of AAI website.  After selection, athletes will be notified and provided with additional information around carding support and other application requirements as needed for the OGPP. 

The Selectors retain the discretion to consider an athlete for carding where an Application has inadvertently not been made.  The process for individual carding:

1- Applications available on HP website (athletes will reapply and/or open to apply) - October 2022

2- Athletes will submit application for consideration to the OGPP  - All athletes must submit a Carding Application by the deadline of Friday November 11th 2022 in order to be considered for carding selection.  

3- Selectors meeting to consider carding applications - November 2022

4- AAI will notify athletes who have/have not been selected for the OGPP - December 2022.  This will be influenced by Sport Ireland's own timelines for communicating their carding decisions 

5- AAI/SI will collectively publish the 2022 carding list - Timeline dependent on SI publication of Carding list 


Carding Resources

2023 Athletics Ireland Operation Gold Performance Programme Selection Policy 

2023 Sport Ireland Carding Criteria (NB - applicants for Sport Ireland Carding should review this document in tandem with the above OGPP Selection Criteria)

2023 Carding Application Form 

Notice of Appeals Form 

List of Athletes that received Carding support in 2022

List of Athletes that received Carding support in 2021

List of Athletes that received Carding support in 2020  

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