

12 September 2023

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Frank Greally speaks of our primal need to be remembered at the launch of Remembrance Run 2023

Frank Greally, who twelve years ago, in association with Athletics Ireland, founded the Remembrance Run 5K that takes place annually on the second Sunday of November in the Phoenix Park, believes that we all have a primal need/wish to be remembered - even in some small way.

Frank was speaking today at the launch of the 2023 Remembrance Run 5K in the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, which was attended by a number of guests who regularly take part in what is a unique event that includes choirs, music and poetry, a big screen and a special Wall of Remembrance where participants write names of loved ones - family and friends passed - as well special heartfelt messages.

This year's Remembrance Run 5K, supported by Silver Stream Healthcare, takes place in the Phoenix Park on Sunday, November 12th at 10am.

"The idea for the Remembrance Run 5K came to me in 2012 when I returned home from covering the London Olympics," Frank Greally said.

"Before I left for the Olympics I visited my dear friend, the legendary sports journalist Con Houlihan in St James's Hospital. I knew that day that we would not be meeting again in this mortal world. Con knew that too. 'I'm on the last slope,' Con said. 'You'll get along without me - but maybe not as well,' he said, with a wry smile, by way of a final farewell.

"Con used to say that 'The Last Time' are probably the three most poignant words in any language. We often talked late into the night about sport and literature and the great athletes, musicians, singers and writers. Con used to say that we all have a primal need or wish to be fondly remembered by family and friends. ‘It goes right back to when people made their marks on the walls of caves,’ he said.

"I was leaving my hotel in London the day Con died on August 4th, 2012, and I was in company with the late Brendan Mooney of the Irish Examiner. We were in a hurry to get to the Olympic Stadium, but when Brendan heard the news of Con's passing, he said to me: "There's something more important now than the Olympics. The Olympics can wait. Let us pause now for an hour, order a pot of tea and share a few memories of our departed friend Con Houlihan."

"I'm always glad that we did that and when I returned from the Olympic Games I decided with my employer, Athletics Ireland, to organise an event in Con's memory - a unique event that would offer comfort and some healing to people experiencing grief and loss for loved ones, family and friends passed. I also wanted to make the Remembrance Run 5K a hopeful and uplifting event when participants would celebrate the memory of loved ones passed and also share gratitude for their own gift of days and good health."

"At the funeral mass for the late RTE broadcaster Jimmy Magee, Fr Brian D'Arcy said in his eulogy: ‘For as long as Jimmy Magee is remembered, he will never die and the same is true for us all.’

"Those words gave me the hook for a song I'm Still Close By which I co-wrote for the Remembrance Run 5K with Noel O'Grady. Noel got his hook for a verse when he asked the writer Edna O'Brien how she would like to be remembered. Edna answered with just one simple but profound word and that was - FONDLY."

I once was asked how I'd like to be remembered

My answer was just to fondly be remembered

So as we walk- we will gently sing our song

And share the joys that forever will live on

"Since that day in London in 2012, three great friends - the sports journalists Brendan Mooney, (Irish Examiner), Tom O'Riordan (Irish Independent) and Peter Byrne (Irish Times) have passed and their memory will be celebrated on November 12th. We have also said goodbye over the last few years to a number of great former athletes and volunteers in Irish athletics. The same is true of the wider sporting community. The world of music, art, theatre and literature has also lost several well-known, uniquely gifted. people. We will remember them all, as well as our own departed family members and friends on November 12th."

Tom Finn, Chief Executive of Silver Stream Healthcare, who are supporting this year's event said: "Silver Stream Healthcare is delighted to support this year's Remembrance Run 5K on this special 12th anniversary. I would encourage everyone to enter this event on November 12th and experience the truly unique atmosphere that only an event like this can create.

“For us, every step taken in the Remembrance Run is a tribute to the cherished lives we've cared for. Together, we honour their legacy with love, compassion, and a shared commitment to a brighter future.”

If you would like to share a special memory of a loved one; family or friend - or add some names to our online Remembrance Wall - please email: marketing@athleticsireland.ie. Any surplus left after organisational and administration costs for the event will go towards supporting The Daily Mile - a 15 minutes a day walk or run program is promoted by Athletics Ireland in Primary Schools all over Ireland.


The unique and hugely popular Walk or Run event takes place in the Phoenix Park on Sunday, November 12th. This year will mark the 12th edition of this special event which see’s thousands of people come together on Remembrance Sunday.

This year’s Remembrance Run, which is supported by Silver Stream Healthcare, will see people come together and ‘fondly remember’ all those who we have lost. This special event includes a morning of Choirs, Music, Song, Commentary, and a Special Wall of Remembrance.

If you would like to share a special memory of a loved one or add some names to our online Remembrance Wall, you can do so by emailing: marketing@athleticsireland.ie.

Any proceeds made from this event go towards supporting The Daily Mile Ireland which encourages children to stay active and healthy by engaging in 15 minutes of exercise during the school day.

Further information and updates relating to the event can be found at remembrancerun.ie.

  • Click HERE for Remembrance Run 5k Registration.
  • Learn more about The Daily Mile HERE.
  • Learn more about Silver Stream Healthcare HERE.
  • Please contact marketing@athleticsireland.ie to arrange an interview with Remembrance Run founder Frank Greally

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