AAI HP Indoor Endurance Initiative Races Jan 28th - Athletics Ireland
High Performance

AAI HP Indoor Endurance Initiative Races Jan 28th

17 January 2017

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Dear Athletes/Coaches,

Thank you for your support of the 1st round of the AAI HP Indoor Endurance Initiative. The 2nd leg takes place on Saturday 28th January at AIT with 800m & 1500m races for men & women. Athletes must be aged 16 in 2017 to compete. Entry now open HERE and it closes at midnight on Wednesday 25th January.

Provisional timetable for the 2nd round available HERE .Please pass on these details to all interested athletes & coaches in your clubs. The 3rd round takes place on Sunday 5th February at the NIA Dublin with 800m, 1500m & 3000m races for men and women. Thanks.

Kindest Regards,

Steven Macklin

National Junior Endurance Coach 

Athletics Ireland

E-mail: stevenmacklin@athleticsireland.ie

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