Applications for Level 3 Coaching Course - Athletics Ireland

Applications for Level 3 Coaching Course

17 August 2006

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Athletics Ireland are pleased to announce the launching of it's new Level 3 Coaching Course in conjunction with the National Coaching and Training Centre. As part of the National Coaching Development Program Athletics Ireland has become one of the first Sporting federations to launch it's Level 3 coaching program. The new course will become the highest level of coaching qualification currently available within the sport of Athletics in Ireland. Initially level 3 is to cater for coaches of senior performance athletes in speed and endurance events. We will eventually be adding streams for all the event groups as well as a stream for coaching developing athletes.  Level 3 is a significant development for Irish Athletics coaching and is aimed at providing our best coaches with a significant professionaldevelopment opportunity. The course will begin on the weekend of the 8th,9th and 10th of September in the University of Limerick and will run over the course of a year and will include 5 to 6 weekends of contact time with tutors plus distance learning, written and practical assignments. Places on this course are limited and open only to those who have completed or been assimilated at level 2 and have significant coaching experience. If you wish to apply for a place on this course send a coaching cv to or to or if you wish to find out more about the course or about applying please contact either Gary Ryan on 0879830570 or Stephen Maguire on 0879830569

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