
Club Series: Lusk AC

9 April 2024

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Club Shoutout this week is Lusk AC

Lusk Athletic Club which is located in North County Dublin was founded in 1975.  Through the tremendous work of local volunteers and parents the club was transformed into an integral, successful part of the community. Sadly in 1999 due to founding athletes and parents moving on, the club went into decline and became inactive, before being re-established ten years later in 2009 in response to the growing demand for sports in the area of Lusk!

The first year saw 30 members join the club and it was made up mainly of four or five families and their friends. Since then, the club has grown rapidly to its present record membership in 2015.

A message from the club: “While the health and fitness of our members through fun is our focus, it is only achievable through the volunteer aspect of the membership, that it truly becomes part of the community, which is fully inclusive and equal for all.

Lusk AC is fortunate to be part of a community that ensures the wellbeing of its citizens. This caring aspect is well known throughout Fingal and beyond. Wherever our members travel taking part in competition, we are conscious that we represent everyone from the community of Lusk.”

Every St Stephens Day Lusk AC organise and host a charity fun run for a nominated local charity. The club actively supports participation in events in the local community organised by other clubs and organisations.

“We are part of a young, vibrant, confident, and caring community and proud to be Lusk AC. Our philosophy is to have fun and get active.”

Athletics Ireland wish Lusk AC the very best of luck in their future endeavours and at competition for the year ahead!


To find out more visit the link attatched - Website Link

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