Coaches & Officials Code - Athletics Ireland

Sport should be safe, fun and conducted in a spirit of fair play.

All coaches, officials and volunteers in athletics should:

  • Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and the experience of those taking part.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play)
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour.
  • Follow all guidelines laid down by the National Governing Body
  • Hold appropriate qualifications and Athletics Ireland insurance cover.
  • Never exert undue influence over participants to gain personal benefit or reward.
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.
  • Encourage participants to value their performances and not just results.
  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.
  • Never use foul or inappropriate language.
  • Sports leaders or officials must never abuse their position of authority by engaging in any form of sexual relations with children or vulnerable adults.
  • Do use a group email system for communicating with parents/guardians & coaches of athletes.
  • Do not communicate individually by social media, text or email with juvenile athletes
  • Do not engage in communications with underage athletes individually via personal social network sites.
  • Always use official squad group text or social media sites to communicate with juvenile athletes.
  • A coach should under no circumstance undermine the efforts of an athlete’s personal coach and/or attempt to ‘poach’ an athlete within a squad environment

Coaches and leaders should never place themselves in a compromising position by texting or communicating via social media sites with juvenile athletes. All such communications regarding athletics should be sent via the parents or guardians of the athlete.

The following should apply when communicating with juvenile athletes:

  • Do use a club group text or email system for communicating with parents/guardians of athletes.
  • Do not communicate individually by text or email with juvenile athletes.
  • Do not engage in communications with underage athletes via personal social network sites.
  • Always use official club group text or social media sites to communicate with juvenile athletes.

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