Covid-19 Update (25th January 2022)
Government announces that most of the public health measures currently in place can be removed. Full announcement can be read HERE.
Are spectators, athletes and officials still required to wear masks while at indoor events?
Yes, Mask Wearing: The requirements for mask wearing in settings where currently regulated for will continue until February 28th 2021.
Do we need to ask people prior to attending if they have been a close contact or vaccinated etc?
No need to ask individuals re their covid details, but anyone who has symptoms or is a close contact to continue to follow the current Government advice for those with symptoms, cases and close contacts as announced by the government on 12 January 2022.
Covid-19 Update (7th January 2022)
A number of new public health measures were announced on December 17th effective December 20th 2021 through to January 30th 2022. This guidance has not changed.
Full details of the announcement can be found here - - New public health measures announced - Friday 17 December (
In relation to organised sporting events the following apply:
Indoor Sport
Indoor sporting events will not take place after 8pm. For events happening earlier in the day, attendance should be limited to 50% of venue capacity or 1,000 attendees, whichever is the lower.
The 8pm time restriction does not apply to indoor sports training. This training can continue in line with previous guidance and with protective measures in place ( i.e. use of pods where applicable, cleaning/hygiene, ventilation, mask use etc.).
Outdoor Sport
Attendance at outdoor sporting events are limited to 50% of venue capacity or 5,000 attendees, whichever is the lower.
The 8pm time restriction does not apply to outdoor sporting events or outdoor training.
Event organisers should also monitor the various updates in relation to close contacts and international travel with a number of changes having come into effect.
Covid Update 6th December 2021
Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder
On December 3rd Government announced a number of public health measure effective 7 December and remaining in place until 9 January.
Full details of the announcement can be found here - - Statement on COVID-19 public health measures - 3 December 2021 (
In relation to organised sport, there will a maximum 50% spectator capacity at indoor sporting events. As with previous guidance spectators at these events must be fully seated.
Separately in the fitness and leisure industry, there will now be a requirement for a COVID pass (vaccination or recovery). Swimming pools are currently excluded from this requirement.
Sports should also monitor the various updates in relation to international travel with a number of changes having come into effect yesterday Sunday 5th 2021.
Further details on travel requirements can be found here. - New rules for travelling to Ireland (
Should you have any queries on the above please do not hesitate to contact the NGB, High Performance or Participation Units for assistance.
Covid Update 22nd October 2021
Dear Athletics Ireland Stakeholder,
In line with Government public health advice, the further easing of restrictions planned for the 22nd of October can proceed with the extension of some non-pharmaceutical interventions including use of COVID-19 pass (as set out below) in light of the high level of disease in the community at this point in time and the uncertain trajectory of the disease.
Athletics Ireland thanks our members and stakeholders for their compliance with all Government advice and promotes the continued best practice protective measures seen below.
For any specific athletics Covid19 questions please contact
Return to Sport Guidance October 2021
Covid Update 15th October 2021
Return to Sport - Covid Reminder
To all Athletics Ireland Stakeholders,
Please find details attached of the ‘Return to Sport Guidance’ from the Sport Ireland Expert Group. We thank all our members for being so compliant during this pandemic period and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any specific questions.
Click HERE for document.
Covid Update 29th September 2021
Dear Athletics Ireland Stakeholder
Please find attached the information note on the changes to contact tracing for children.
It is also available here.
Please feel free to submit any additional queries to us at
Covid Update 16th September 2021
Dear Athletics Ireland Stakeholder,
Please find attached Guidance notes for the Sports Sector in relation to the return to sport from September 20th.
This note from Sport Ireland seeks to provide further information on a number of reoccurring themes raised by Sporting Organisations following the recent Government Announcement.
All Clubs and organisations should continue to risk assess and take appropriate measures in addressing individual issues in their sport as they arise.
Athletics Ireland fully supports the Government approach and the HSE best practice advice that your COVID-19 vaccine will offer you protection from COVID-19. We strongly encourage all eligible individuals involved in athletics to avail of the Government vaccine programme, mask wearing when required, regular hand washing and appropriate social distancing whilst participating in our sport.
We thank you all for all your hard work over the past 18 months in helping the country to manage this pandemic and we look forward to meeting you again in person at our events in the near future.
- Athletics Ireland
Covid Update 2nd September 2021 Government Announcement - Reframing the challenge
Dear Athletics Ireland Stakeholder
On Tuesday night Government announced Ireland’s plan for the next and final phase of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
All relevant information can be accessed here: - Reframing the challenge, continuing our recovery and reconnecting (
A full copy of the Plan is attached below for your convenience.
Please find below the key highlights and timelines for our sport.
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the significant work and commitment of all our stakeholders throughout the Pandemic.
September 6th 2021
Spectator Stadia Capacities
- For indoor sporting events spectators should be fully seated.
- Organisers should demonstrate full understanding of and adherence to best practice protective measures which should continue to apply, within these capacity limits and have COVID plans for events
- Waves of 200 participants plus 200 spectators continue for all competition including road races and cross country.
September 20th 2021
From September 20th the following apply to competitive sports training, competition and events.
- Capacity limits refer to the number of participants.
- Spectator attendance in stadia remain in line with the capacities outlined above.
Note the formal requirement to ensure social distancing, excellent hygiene and mask wearing as required at events. Covid19 is still with us.
October 22nd 2021
Based on the criteria of at or close to 90% of people 16 or over being fully vaccinated in the coming weeks, and having regard to the incidence and behaviour of the disease at that time, the Government plan to remove further statutory restrictions in respect of events and activities from 22nd of October.
Some of the following key measures will be removed;
- Formal requirements/mandates for physical distancing
- Limits on numbers at outdoor events and engaging in sporting activities outdoors
- Restrictions on indoor sports activities and other indoor leisure/community activities
- Certification of immunity or testing as a prerequisite for access to, or engagement in, any activities or events (with exception of international travel)
Clcik HERE for 'Reframing the Challenge' Roadmap
Covid-19 Update: 1st September 2021
We have consulted with the Sport Ireland Expert Group regarding the new Covid 19 Guidelines released last night by Government.
We have been advised that sport specific information will issue this week and we will share all information with you immediately.
Thank you all for your patience and compliance during this period.
-Athletics Ireland
Recreational Running Update 16th July 2021
From the 5th of July, the following measures have applied:
For competition and recreational running races a maximum of 200 (participants and officials) can be on site at any time. Additional waves of 200 can be accommodated once the previous wave has left the site. All Government Covid19 requirements of mask wearing, social distancing etc. must be complied with at all times.
We note the added complications of the Delta variant, and we thank all of you for your compliance with the best practice guidelines of mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing and contact tracing. Please ensure all athletes/attendees disperse quickly after your training/competition concludes as it is important to avoid crowded scenarios or gatherings of any type.
Numbers of spectators permitted at outdoor events can increase as planned, to a maximum of 200 attendees for the majority of stadia, and to 500 for stadia/venues with capacity greater than 5,000, with appropriate protective measures.
Note - all large stadia health & safety plans clearly detail the spectator capacity of the stadium/facility.
Road Race Event Organiser Guidelines
Road Race Participant Guidelines
Road Race Volunteer, Staff, Marshal Guidelines
International travel
Government advice to avoid non-essential travel, and related penalties will remain in place until 18 July. As and from 19 July this will be changed to advise citizens to travel safely and in accordance with public health guidance and restrictions.
You must meet the Govt guidelines detailed below if you have been off the island of Ireland
Our collective continued vigilance and adherence to guidelines will ensure the progress is maintained in the face of this ongoing challenge.
Update 2nd July 2021
Dear Stakeholder,
We await further athletics specific Covid19 updates from the Sport Ireland Expert Group regarding restrictions from this Monday the 5th of July. Details of the full announcement can be found on the website here. Key highlights relating to sport and physical activity are summarised below:
- The number of spectators permitted at outdoor sporting events will increase as planned, to a maximum of 200 attendees for the majority of stadia, and to 500 for stadia/venues with capacity greater than 5,000, with appropriate protective measures.
We are seeking clarification regarding the number of participants that can take place in a road race or competition, currently that number remains at 200. Any updates from the Sport Ireland Expert Group will be communicated immediately.
We note the added complications of the Delta variant, and we thank all of you for your compliance with the best practice guidelines of mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing and contact tracing. Please ensure all athletes/attendees disperse quickly after your training/competition concludes as it is important to avoid crowded scenarios or gatherings of any type.
Our collective continued vigilance and adherence to guidelines will ensure the progress is maintained in the face of this ongoing challenge.
- Athletics Ireland
Update 30th June 2021
Dear Provincial, County & Club Secretaries
We await further Covid19 updates from Government and the Sport Ireland Expert Group regarding developments in advance of this Monday the 5th of Julys planned easing of restrictions.
All information received will be shared immediately with you as we receive it.
We note the added complications of the Delta variant, and we thank all of you for your compliance with the best practice guidelines of mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing and contact tracing. Please ensure all athletes disperse quickly after your training concludes as it is important to avoid crowded scenarios.
Our collective continued vigilance and adherence to guidelines will ensure the progress is maintained in the face of this ongoing challenge.
For full guidance, please click on the link
Note from the 5th of July 2021
Outdoor Events - As planned, numbers for organised events can increase to 200 or 500 for stadia or venues with a capacity of over 5,000.
Update 5th June 2021
Club Return to Activity Protocols Summary
Return to training and competition
The attached guidance for athletes, clubs and coaches should inform club plans for a return to competition. Please review each document when creating plans for a return to competition. Clubs and regions should be pragmatic when planning for competition and ensure that all aspects of the guidance are adhered to. Pods of 15 are still required at training events.
Outdoor Competition:
The number of spectators permitted at organised outdoor events is a maximum of 100 for the majority of venues, with a maximum of 200 for outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000.
These figures are independent of athletes, participants, officials and coaches that are limited to 100 on site at any time.
Clubs are encouraged to take a prudent approach to overall capacities in the initial return and to discuss competition plans and needs with Athletics Ireland.
Outdoor Training:
While the return to outdoor Competition can return, the Pods of 15 concept are still maintained for training purposes. In line with previous phases, multiple pods can be used during training sessions however these pods should not mix and all contact tracing protocols should be adhered too.
If anyone has any queries, please contact or
From 7 June:
Sport: Outdoor sports matches can take place
Gyms and training: Gyms, swimming pools, leisure centres can reopen for individual training only
Organised indoor events: Maximum of 50 attendees at the majority of venues. Maximum of 100 can attend events in larger venues with strict public health measures in place
New public health measures announced: The Path Ahead can be found at the following link.
HSE Guidance on protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 can be found at the following link.
Update 18th May 2021
Return to Outdoor Competition for Athletics from the 7th June 2021
Please find below information and enclosed guidance in relation to the return of Competition from June 7th for outdoor, individual sports.
Key Points:
- From June 7th the broader resumption of outdoor competition is planned.
- Such activity will take place under strict protocols and without spectators. In the initial stages all Sports should focus on the minimum number of participants required to stage a meaningful event safely.
- To assist NGBs in planning during the initial return the attached Guiding Principles have been developed.
- The initial return starting number of approximately 100 is recommended. This number of 100 includes participants, officials, management and essential support personnel.
- These numbers will be reviewed further as the broader re-opening of sport continues across the Summer months.
Click HERE for full document.
Update 7th May 2021
Athletics Ireland continue to engage with the Sport Ireland Expert Group in advance of the reopening dates below to provide additional information and clarifications as required.
We are finalising a return to activity roadmap with the Expert Group that will be graduated and progressive in nature commencing with restricted competition from the 7th June 2021. Note there is no competition to take place prior to this date.
We look forward to sharing this roadmap with all in the coming days once signed off by the Sport Ireland Expert Group.
We thank you all for your patience as we negotiate the final stages of our Covid19 restrictions exit.
Key Notes
- From May 10th outdoor training for adults in pods of a maximum of 15 people can return.
- Outdoor (non-elite & club) matches and competitions may recommence on June 7.
- Such competition must take place without spectators.
Update 6th May 2021
Please find attached new practical covid guidance for the sports and physical activity sector. We await further clarification re competition resumption from the 7th June 2021.
Individual Indoor Training Guidance
Update 30th April 2021
From 19th of April
Elite sport: High performing athletes, as approved by Athletics Ireland and Sport Ireland, can resume.
From 26th of April
- Outdoor sports facilities can reopen (for example: pitches, golf courses and tennis courts, other facilities as appropriate).
- Activities should take place between a maximum of two households. Facilities including club houses and any indoor facilities (for example: changing rooms, showers, kitchens, meeting rooms), apart from essential toilet facilities must remain closed. There should not be any return to team sports or training activities.
- Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 can resume.
From 10th of May
Outdoor training for adults in pods of a maximum of 15 people
The Covid 19 pandemic guidelines continue to develop and our knowledge of how best to manage living with the virus also continues to grow. This summary sheet is designed to streamline the Athletics Ireland guidelines for all Clubs and members in one page.
Covid 19 is still with us and we need to be ever vigilant regarding contact tracing, social distancing and hygiene. Non-contact outdoor training is permitted for children in pods of 15 including coaches. Non-contact outdoor training pods for under-age members and must have at least two Garda vetted adults present throughout. There should be at least one adult of each gender with mixed parties.
All Clubs are required to appoint a Lead Club Covid Officer and advise Athletics Ireland of their Lead Officers contact details. Please email the contact details of your Lead Club Covid Officer to However, you may train as many additional Covid Officers as you see fit to support Club activity. The Club Covid Officer is a standalone role and should not be an active coach involved in a training session.
Additionally, it is critical to complete a Club Risk Assessment and to discuss this document with the Club committee.
Please display Covid health promotion posters at the Club.
For Club members note the following steps in order to attend your club.
- Book all sessions online using the Athletics Ireland Covid booking app HERE
- Maintain social distancing during training at all times.
- Carry a bottle of hand sanitiser and use regularly.
- If using equipment wipe clean before and after use with an appropriate cleaning agent.
- Do not attend training in your club if you feel unwell or are displaying any Covid symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath or loss of smell or taste.
New public health measures announced: The Path Ahead can be found at the following link.
HSE Guidance on protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 can be found at the following link.
Update 23rd April 2021
Athletics Ireland awaits confirmation and guidance on the return to activity for clubs for underage aged children from Monday the 26th of April. Non-contact outdoor training is permitted for children in pods of 15 including coaches. Non-contact outdoor training pods for under-age members (under 18 years of age) must have at least two Garda vetted adults present throughout. There should be at least one adult of each gender with mixed parties.
Level 5 restrictions
Exercise and sporting events
People may meet with people from one other household in outdoor settings when taking exercise.
Training can resume for National Governing Body sanctioned and organised adult intercounty National Gaelic Games Leagues not including under 20 or minor competitions.
High performing athletes, as approved by Sport Ireland, can resume from 19 April.
From 19 April
Elite sport: High performing athletes, as approved by Athletics Ireland and Sport Ireland, can resume.
From Monday the 26th of April
Outdoor sports facilities can reopen (for example: pitches, golf courses and tennis courts, other facilities as appropriate).
Activities should take place between a maximum of two households. Facilities including club houses and any indoor facilities (for example: changing rooms, showers, kitchens, meeting rooms), apart from essential toilet facilities must remain closed. There should not be any return to team sports or training activities.
Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 can resume.
Matches and events
Professional, elite sports, horse racing, greyhound racing and approved equestrian events only are permitted to continue behind closed doors.
No other matches or events are to take place.
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools are closed.
Further details on level 5 restrictions can be accessed at the following link:
HSE Guidance on protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 can be found at the following link:
Update 8th April 2021
Athletics Ireland reminds all affiliated members that only elite athletes in receipt of official exemption letters from Athletics Ireland High Performance department can travel to events within and outside the island of Ireland.
All elite exempted athletes that plan to travel outside Ireland should inform the Athletics Ireland High Performance Director of their travel plans and details of the event or camp they are planning to travel to.
There is a Government Advisory in operation against all non-essential international travel. Travel restrictions are in place to protect public health and to mitigate the risk of new variants of COVID-19 entering the country. Details of these measures are available on the travel section of the website. Full details on travel in Covid times can be found at the following link.
Government guidance on level 5 restriction has been updated. Full details of updated level 5 restrictions can be found at the following link.
The Athletics Ireland Covid Group continue to work closely with the Sport Ireland Expert Group in regard to providing our members with regular updates and information during this difficult time. We are coordinating regular, on-going discussions with key stakeholders on a return to competition as soon as possible and we thank you all for your patience regarding this challenging matter.
HSE Guidance on protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 can be found at the following link.
Update 6th April 2021
Confirmed list of sites for Walk-In Testing Centres
Please find below a list of Walk-In Covid-19 Testing Centres, which are opening this week. We would ask you to please circulate these through your club network and on social media to support the identification of asymptomatic cases in the community.
Current locations and dates
- Crumlin GAA, Club House, Lorcan O’ Toole Park, Park Crescent, Crumlin, Dublin, D12 NX33 from 10 April to 17 April.
- Mulhuddart, Cumann Naomh Peregrine, Blakestown Road, Dublin, D15 PW80 from 10 April to 17 April.
- St Joseph’s Health Campus, 3 Mulgrave Street, Limerick, V94 C8DV from 10 April to 17 April.
- Waterford IT College Street Campus, Cork Road, Waterford, X91 YO74 from 10 April to 17 April.
- Ballyfermot Sports Complex, 33 to 39 Gurteen Road, Redcowfarm, Dublin, D10 K598 from 10 April to 17 April.
A full updated list is available here.
Update 31st March 2021
Government guidance on level 5 restriction has been updated. Full details of updated level 5 restrictions can be found at the following link.
Your guide to the new changes
If you have received the second dose of the vaccine more than 2 weeks ago, you can meet with other fully vaccinated people from 1 other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 2 metres apart. This measure comes into place immediately.
If you have received the second dose, you have to wait 2 weeks until you can meet other fully vaccinated people indoors.
From 12 April
Activity Guidance
- Schools In-school teaching to fully return
- Meeting other households: You can meet 1 other household outside but not in your garden or theirs
- Travel: You can travel within your county or within 20km of your home if crossing county boundaries
- Construction: All residential construction can restart as well as early-learning and childcare projects
From 19 April
Activity Guidance
- GAA: Training for and playing of National Governing Body sanctioned and organised adult intercounty National Gaelic Games Leagues not including under 20 or minor competitions
- Elite sport: High performing athletes, as approved by Sport Ireland, can resume. (AAI elites are high-performance athletes who have an exemption to continue to train. These athletes have a letter of exemption from the AAI High Performance Director).
From 26 April (subject to prevailing public health situation)
Activity Guidance
- Outdoor sport: Outdoor sports facilities can reopen (for example: pitches, golf courses and tennis courts, other facilities as appropriate)
- Outdoor attractions: Outdoor visitor attractions can reopen (for example: zoos, open pet farms, heritage sites). Amusement parks are not permitted to open
- Underage sport Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 or fewer can restart
- Funerals: Maximum attendance at funerals will increase to 25
The Athletics Ireland Covid Group continue to work closely with the Sport Ireland Expert Group in regard to providing our members with regular updates and information during this difficult time. We are coordinating regular, on-going discussions with key stakeholders on a return to competition as soon as possible and we thank you all for your patience regarding this challenging matter.
HSE Guidance on protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 can be found at the following link.
Update 12th March 2021
To All Stakeholders,
We are very conscious that our membership is anxious to return to training and competition when the Government allows us to exit the current Level 5 lockdown. We continue to discuss and lobby for a return for athletics on a weekly basis with representatives of the Sport Ireland Expert Group and other key decision makers. We do note that in the recently released Resilience and Recovery Covid19 document that there is provision for a return to activity for outdoor, non-contact training in pods of 15 at Level 4. We see this as a very positive development for our sport.
We greatly appreciate the patience you have all shown during these pandemic times and we commit to regular, transparent communication with our stakeholders. We will share any developments on the re-opening of sport from the Sport Ireland Expert Group as we receive them.
Update 25th February 2021
The Athletics Ireland Covid Group continue to work closely with the Sport Ireland Expert Group in regard to providing our members with regular updates and information during this difficult time. We are coordinating regular, on-going discussions with key stakeholders on a return to training and competition as soon as possible and we thank you all for your patience regarding this challenging matter. On February 23rd, the Government published the updated Covid-19 Resilience and Recovery document, and this can be accessed at the following LINK.
The country remains at level 5 until April 5th and all sporting activity is on hold awaiting further guidance from Government. Full details of level 5 restrictions can be found HERE.
Level 5 - Exercise and sporting events
People may meet with people from one other household in outdoor settings when taking exercise. This must be within 5km of your home.
No indoor or outdoor exercise group activities, including those involving children, should take place.
Outdoor golf and tennis are not permitted.
Individual training only. No exercise or dance classes. No indoor or outdoor gatherings involving “individual training” except for professional and elite sports. (AAI elites are high-performance athletes who have an exemption to continue to train. These athletes have a letter of exemption from the AAI High Performance Director).
Matches and events
Professional, elite sports, horse racing, greyhound racing and approved equestrian events only are permitted to continue behind closed doors.
No other matches or events are to take place.
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools are closed.
Update 29th January 2021
Government guidance on level 5 restriction has been updated. Full details of updated level 5 restrictions can be found HERE.
Exercise and sporting events
People may meet with people from one other household in outdoor settings when taking exercise. This must be within 5km of your home.
No indoor or outdoor exercise group activities, including those involving children, should take place.
Outdoor golf and tennis are not permitted.
Individual training only. No exercise or dance classes. No indoor or outdoor gatherings involving “individual training” except for professional and elite sports. (AAI elites are high-performance athletes who have an exemption to continue to train. These athletes have a letter of exemption from the AAI High Performance Director).
Matches and events
Professional, elite sports, horse racing, greyhound racing and approved equestrian events only are permitted to continue behind closed doors.
No other matches or events are to take place.
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools are closed.
The Athletics Ireland Covid Group continue to work closely with the Sport Ireland Expert Group in regard to providing our members with regular updates and information during this difficult time. We are coordinating regular, on-going discussions with key stakeholders on a return to competition as soon as possible and we thank you all for your patience regarding this challenging matter.
Update 22nd January 2021
AAI Covid-19 Guidance – 22/01/21
The Athletics Ireland Covid Group continue to work closely with the Sport Ireland Expert Group in regard to providing our members with regular updates and information during this difficult time. We are coordinating regular, on-going discussions with key stakeholders on a return to competition as soon as possible and we thank you all for your patience regarding this challenging matter.
Covid-19 Athletics FAQ’s
1. Can members run and exercise in public parks?
Yes, on an individual basis and not in groups. Persons may exercise in pairs being mindful of others and keep a social distance between other park users. Avoid congregating in groups when exercising outdoors. Please be mindful of pedestrians at all times. Remember that exercise can only be taken with one other person under level 5 restrictions.
2. Can athletics clubs open their facilities for individuals to use for exercise?
No, all clubs must remain closed at this time. The only exception is for a small group of high-performance athletes who have an exemption to continue to train. These athletes have a letter of exemption from the HPD. Access to facilities by high performance athletes should be agreed locally with the club.
3. Are AAI registered club members covered by AAI insurance when exercising from home?
Yes, if the session is part of a coordinated programme supplied by their club, the AAI personal accident insurance is in place. Additionally, all AAI registered members participating on a live virtual club training session facilitated by their club coach are also covered under the AAI personal accident insurance cover.
4. What are the international travel guidelines?
Athletics Ireland is following the Department of Foreign Affairs guidelines as per the EU Traffic Light System. Note all guidance can be found HERE.
Current Government guidance for level 5 for exercise and sport is as follows:
Exercise and sporting events
People may meet with people from one other household in outdoor settings when taking exercise.
No indoor or outdoor exercise group activities, including those involving children, should take place.
Outdoor golf and tennis are not permitted.
Individual training only. No exercise or dance classes. No indoor or outdoor gatherings involving “individual training” except for professional and elite sports.
Matches and Events
Professional, elite sports, horse racing, greyhound racing and approved equestrian events only are permitted to continue behind closed doors.
No other matches or events are to take place.
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools are closed.
Full details of level 5 restrictions can be found HERE.
Update 4th January 2021
Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder,
As you will be aware, on December 30th 2020 the Government announced a revised Level 5.
During this period people are asked to stay at home, except to travel for work, education or other essential purposes.
The below should be noted in relation to sport & exercise. Full details on those measures can be viewed here:
1. Sporting facilities (Indoors & Outdoors), gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools must close.
2. Activity is restricted to individual training/personal exercise within 5 km of home.
3. Individuals may meet with one other household in outdoor settings when taking personal exercise.
4. Exemptions to Training & Matches apply to certain professional, elite sports, horse-racing, greyhound racing and approved equestrian events. Such events should take place behind closed doors.
5. No other matches or events are to take place.
Sport Ireland will continue to provide updates to the Sector as and when they arise.
Note – Athletics Ireland has formally requested the Sport Ireland Expert group to keep outdoor facilities open for individual training for those living within 5km of their club and we will revert if there is any update on this matter, unfortunately at this time All athletics clubs must close.
In regard to AI insurance covers in place during Level 5 lockdown and club closure. Athletics Ireland have negotiated that all registered AI members will be covered by their AI personal accident insurance whilst undertaking club approved training in an individual capacity for injury resulting from an accident. Additionally, all AI registered members participating in online virtual coaching sessions by approved club coaches will also be covered by their AI personal accident insurance.
Update 31st December 2020
To All Athletics Ireland Members,
From midnight last night Ireland entered a new Level 5 lockdown with very strict guidelines in place to limit the spread of the virus due to its increasing spread. We await specific athletics implications from Sport Ireland but note the following advice below which can be found at
We request that all our members follow the latest government advice during this challenging time and please ensure that you all stay safe and healthy.
Exercise and sporting events
- People may meet with people from one other household in outdoor settings when taking exercise.
- No indoor or outdoor exercise group activities, including those involving children, should take place.
- Outdoor golf and tennis are not permitted.
- Individual training only. No exercise or dance classes. No indoor or outdoor gatherings involving “individual training” except for professional and elite sports.
Matches and events
Professional, elite sports, horse racing, greyhound racing and approved equestrian events only are permitted to continue behind closed doors.
No other matches or events are to take place.
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools must close from close of business on 31 December.
No organised indoor or outdoor gatherings should take place.
Update 22nd December 2020
Ireland is moving to Level 5 from the 24th December 2020.
Training and matches
No training or matches should take place, with the following exceptions:
- non-contact training in pods of up to 15 may take place outdoors
- professional, elite sports, horse-racing and greyhound racing are permitted to continue behind closed doors
All other training activities should be individual only.
No exercise or dance classes are permitted.
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools may remain open for individual training only.
Update 22nd December 2020
To Our Members,
We wish to assure you all that we are working extremely hard for our membership to facilitate a return to competition as soon as government guidelines allow. Just this week we have submitted our second formal proposal in recent weeks to the Sport Ireland Expert Group for athletics to facilitate a safe return to competition in a format acceptable at Level 3. As a non-contact, outdoor sport we believe that we can facilitate safe training and competition in a gradual and structured manner within government guidelines. We have submitted evidence and noted our experience at supporting this approach.
Our internal Covid Group has provided you with weekly/fortnightly updates and we continue to lobby and engage proactively with many groups to support our cause. From weekly meetings with the Sport Ireland Expert Group, monthly meets with the Minister of Sport and collective lobbying with key decision makers to name but a few strategies. We all want a return to competition for all as soon as possible and we are all frustrated by some of the inconsistent government decisions in regard to a return to sport.
On a positive note we are one of the few Olympic sports that facilitated Championships over the Summer and we will continue to facilitate events for our exempted High Performance athletes e.g. The 30Km High Performance Walks time trial this weekend just gone. We are also delighted to have published competition dates for National Cross Country and National Indoors that we are working towards.
We have also lobbied hard to allow training to continue for School aged children during the recent lockdown and this has allowed us all to support the physical and mental well-being of members during the dark winter months.
As you can appreciate the R number is currently going in the wrong direction to support a prompt return to competition but we must all act in the best interests of our nation and follow the government advice which has our best interests at heart. We wish all our members a safe and Merry Christmas and please be patient during this exceptionally challenging time for our nation and our sport.
Best Regards
Hamish Adams Georgina Drumm
Chief Executive Officer President
Update 18th December 2020
Covid-19 Athletics FAQ’s
1. Our club plans to host a ‘fun run’ over the festive period, is this possible?
Provided all government guidelines are strictly adhered to i.e. pods of 15, social distancing, no congregating before or after the run and the run is only for club members it can proceed in a responsible manner.
2. Can our club host an indoor committee meeting at this time?
No organised indoor gatherings should take place.
3. Can a club use its indoor facility at this time for training?
Indoor training for up to 50 persons can take place if space allows for individual training only. Indoor group coaching or training should not take place at this time.
4. Do we still need to record participants attendance and complete the health screening form?
Yes, for contact tracing purposes the attendance record and health screening form should be completed by each member attending for training.
Government Covid Guidance from 1 December through the Christmas holidays to January 2021.
From 1 December, under Level 3, as set out in the Plan for Living with COVID-19:
- weddings with up to 25 guests are permitted (same as current provisions)
- funerals with up to 25 mourners are permitted (same as current provisions)
- no organised indoor events should take place, other than as provided below
- gatherings of 15 people may take place outdoors
- non-contact training may take place outdoors in pods of 15
- only individual training should take place indoors and no exercise or dance classes are permitted
- no matches/events may take place except professional and elite sports, approved inter-county Gaelic games, horse-racing and approved equestrian events, all behind closed doors
- gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools may reopen for individual training only
- nightclubs, discos, and casinos should remain closed
- hotels, guesthouses, B&Bs may open with services limited to residents only
- non-essential retail and personal services may reopen
- people should continue to work from home unless absolutely necessary to attend in person
- public transport capacity is limited to 50%
From 1 December:
- households should not mix with any other households outside those within their bubble
- people should stay within their county apart from work, education and other essential purposes
From 4 December:
- restaurants and pubs operating as restaurants (serving a substantial meal) may reopen for indoor dining with additional restrictions, (including requirement for meals to be prepared on site, inside the premises). This includes access for non-residents to restaurants in hotels
- higher, further, and adult education should remain primarily online
Adjustments for the Christmas Period
From 1 December:
- places of worship to reopen for services with restrictive measures, subject to review in January
- museums, galleries, and libraries to reopen
- cinemas to reopen
- wet pubs to remain closed except for takeaway/delivery
From 18 December to 6 January:
- households can mix with up to two other households
- travel outside your county to be permitted
From 7 January, the measures put in place prior to 18 December will apply, subject to ongoing review of the trajectory of the virus. The measures for cross-border travel will be the same as for travel between all other counties, that is, from 1 December, people should stay within their county apart from work, education and other essential purposes while from 18 December to 6 January, travel outside the county is permitted.
It has further been agreed that the use of face coverings is now recommended in crowded workplaces, places of worship and in busy or crowded outdoor spaces where there is significant congregation.
Update 4th December 2020
Covid -19 Guidance – Sports Training Update
Further to the Government Guidance issued last Monday 30th November please note that Individual sports training only can take place Indoors if conducted in line with the guidance below.
No traditional group style indoor classes should take place for any sport.
Defining Individual Indoor Training
To assist the sector the Expert Group recommends the adoption of the ‘pod of one’ concept. This concept can be defined as ‘Individual, physically distanced, non-contact activity, completed in a pre-defined area, within a controlled environment and without the sharing of equipment.’
The following additional risk mitigation measures are also recommended for protocol adoption.
- · Staggered start and finish times combined with appropriate entry, exit and traffic management protocols to limit the interaction of participants at any one time.
- · Prebooking of activity is essential.
- · Reduction in the overall duration of the activity.
- · Participants arrive ready to train and leave immediately (no changing room or shower use).
- · Additional signage, hand sanitization stations and deep cleaning implemented.
- · No equipment sharing in any circumstances.
- · Activity should take place in a predefined area which is visually marked out and directionally signed.
- · The space required in this area should reflect the nature and intensity of the activity and the space must have a risk assessment completed prior to use.
- · There should be in excess of 2m social distancing between each of the predefined areas. The Cleaning & Ventilation of facilities should be conducted in accordance with the Governments most recent Work Safely Protocol.
- Max 50 persons within a facility at any one time for individual training, this is assuming the facility size allows for 50 persons operating in a socially distanced manner.
- At Level 3 people must stay in their County apart from work, education, medical and other essential purposes.
One to One Training
In the event of one to one training between a participant and instructor/coach, the following additional items to those outlined above should also be implemented.
- · Any demonstration of equipment or technique should ensure that a minimum of 2m social distancing is maintained.
- · Individual equipment should not be shared.
- · In the case of fixed equipment, cleaning of such equipment must be completed immediately after demonstration and before the individual participant uses.
- · There should be no hands-on adjustments or physical contact during training sessions.
- · Coaches and trainers are asked to refer to the HSE guidance on wearing of face coverings.
Additional Points:
- · Indoor activity during Level 4 will be dictated by whether certain sporting facilities can open. Currently Level 4 requires Gyms/leisure centres and swimming pools to close.
- · This guidance applies to the indoor sporting activity of National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) and the Network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs).
- · The training must be supervised by a coach or a trainer accredited by NGB / LSP.
- · Any club or group that is not in a position to apply these measures or enforce them should not hold training sessions.
- · This continues to be on an opt-in basis for participants.
Guidance for Outdoor Training Sessions:
- · Non-contact training only in pods of up to 15.
- · For Adult training outdoor sessions, coaches/support staff should be included in the pod sizes. For example, the ratio of 1:14 is acceptable once the coach has completed their Sport Ireland Covid-19 Officer online training. However, if the coach who is present has not completed this online training, a qualified person from within the club (i.e. a club Covid-19 officer) should also be present, changing the ratio for the scenario used above to 2:13.
- · Non-contact outdoor training pods for under-age members (under 18 years of age) MUST have at least two Garda vetted adults present throughout. At least one of these adults MUST have completed the Sport Ireland Covid-19 officer online training. There should be at least one adult of each gender with mixed parties.
- · Coaches may oversee multiple pods however should not be directly involved in the activity or in close contact with multiple pods.
Update 4th December 2020
AAI Covid-19 Travel - Updated Policy – Effective 04/12/2020
Further to our guidance on the safe return to sport after travel outside the island of Ireland, the Irish Government have now implemented the EU Traffic Light System for Travel within the EU/UK area. Ireland has now implemented the new EU ‘traffic lights’ approach to travel, which applies to countries in the EU/EEA. However, current Government advice for travel to these countries is ‘exercise a high degree of caution’. Government general advice for any other overseas travel remains ‘avoid non-essential travel’ or in some cases, ‘do not travel’.
Advice on restricting movement
Ireland is implementing the new EU ‘traffic lights’ approach to travel, which applies to countries in the EU / EEA (+ UK). In general, you are requested to restrict your movements for 14 days if you arrive into Ireland from another country. This applies to all travellers entering the State, including Irish citizens coming home and people with no symptoms. In line with the EU traffic lights approach, the request to restrict movements does not apply to travellers from green regions, or those arriving from Northern Ireland.
Currently, all passengers entering Ireland from orange, red, and grey regions are requested to restrict their movements for 14 days.
Restricting your movements means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. Government information and advice on the new system for safe travel to Ireland is available HERE.
In accordance with this advice the new policy for return of athletes, volunteers and staff after travel to the EU/UK is detailed below:
- For athletes, volunteers and staff returning from GREEN ZONE region of EU/UK, no restrictions apply.
- For athletes, volunteers and staff returning from an ORANGE, GREY or RED ZONE region of the EU/UK (excluding Northern Ireland) the following restrictions apply:
- On arrival in Ireland, athletes, volunteers & staff should ‘Self-Restrict Movements’ for a period of 14 days.
- A Covid Test can be taken on DAY 5 post return to Ireland.
- A test result should be available on Day 6. If the result is POSITIVE, isolate immediately and await further instruction from public health teams.
- If the result is NEGATIVE, no further restrictions apply.
- Athletes, volunteers & staff having a DAY 5 test returning a NEGATIVE result on Day 6, may return to training or competition on DAY 7.
There is no change in the guidance for athletes, volunteers and staff returning to Ireland from all other regions other than the EU/UK. Athletes, volunteers and staff should ‘Self-Restrict Movements’ outside their sporting activities for a period of 14 days.
What does ‘Self-Restrict Movements’ mean?
The request to restrict your movement means:
- do not go to work, unless you work on your own and can completely avoid other people
- do not go to school or college
- do not use public transport
- do not have visitors at your home
- do not visit others, even if you usually care for them
- do not go to the shops or pharmacy unless it is absolutely necessary - where possible, order your groceries online or have some family or friends drop them off
- do not go to gatherings such as weddings or funerals - information is available on bereavement and grief during COVID-19
- do not meet face-to-face with older people, anyone with a long-term medical condition or pregnant women
Update 30th November 2020
The nation moves to Level 3 from tomorrow, Tuesday 1st December and the key implications for our sport are detailed below. The full Level 3 restrictions can be fo