At the recent Athletic Ireland Congress there were a number of motions submitted by various County Boards regarding Cross Country National Championships varying from reviewing juvenile distances, amalgamation Inter Club Inter County and a root and branch review of cross country.
Because of the different views for and against the motions the Board decided that it deserved a deeper analysis and that Motion 33 which called for ‘’a root and branch examination of the Cross Country at all levels take place’’ was the best way forward. This motion was presented to Congress and was approved by delegates. The Board has decided that Schools and University Cross Country should also be included in this review.
It is important that all have the opportunity to have an input to the review and it is proposed to invite members to a one-day Conference where the issues will be debated. We look forward to a healthy and constructive conference with as many interested members as possible in attendance.
To ensure that the Conference is meaningful, we would ask your assistance in sending your thoughts on our Cross Country events. We would welcome receiving this information by October 9th. To help you formulate your thoughts we have attached the following:
Applications Now Accepted to Host Cross Country Championships
- Intermediate, Masters & Juvenile Development Cross Country Championships Feb 8th
- Inter Clubs & Inter County Relay Cross Country Championships March 1st 2014
The closing date for applications is 31st October 2014.
For more information contact: