
Cross Country Squad Session Looks Ahead to European CC Champs

4 October 2005

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At a national cross country squad session in ALSAA, Dublin on Saturday October 1st it was confirmed that Ireland would be represented at the Spar European Cross Country Championships at Tilburg, Holland on December 11th by full teams of 6 athletes in all four events. It was also announced that the first three athletes in the junior and senior inter counties championships in Sligo on the 27th November would be automatic selections. The remainder of the team will be finalised immediately after the inter counties championships. In preparation for the European Championships a squad of 10 athletes will travel to Tilburg to compete in a major international cross country on Sunday 13th November. The athletes will get an opportunity on the previous day to inspect the European course. The cross country squad day under the direction of National Endurance coach Jim Davis was a huge success. A highly informative address was delivered by Dr Bill Cuddihy of the AAI medical team on TUE's and some excellent information was given on supplements. Dietician Ruth Wood-Martin who works with the Sports Institute in Northern Ireland gave an extremely well-received practical lecture on diet.

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