
Endurance Coaches Network Day 1 January 23rd FULL & CLOSED

6 January 2016

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Endurance Coaches Network (ECN) Day 1 January 23rd FULL & CLOSED

The Endurance Coaches Network (ECN) day 1 on January 23rd at Athlone IT is now full and closed with 130 coaches registered and no more registrations are possible. The timetable for the day is below and under no circumstances will any registrations be taken on the day. Only those coaches registered to date can attend as the lecture theatre capacity has been reached and we must adhere to health & safety guidelines set out by the college. We appreciate your understanding with this.

Endurance Coaches Network (ECN) Day 1 Schedule Jan 23rd

9.00-9.30am- Registration (B1029 Lecture Theatre)

9.30-9.45am- Opening Address by Steve Macklin (National Junior Endurance Coach)

9.45-10.45am- ’The Pursuit of Excellence Programme (2009 – 2016): Elite Coach Development - Key Lessons Learned’ with Daragh Sheridan (Lead Programme Consultant, PEP Podium Programme at Irish Institute of Sport)

10.45-11.45pm- ’The role of “Power” in endurance and its application to training’ with Chris Jones (National Coach Mentor Endurance England Athletics)

11.45-12.00pm- Coffee Break

12.00-1.00pm- Breakout Sessions with a choice of the following:

1) ’The training of a European Youth Olympic 1500m Gold Medalist’ with Joe Ryan (National Junior Team Coach)

2) ’Marathon Training- A case study with Lizzie Lee 2016 Rio Olympics Qualifier’ with Donie Walsh (Personal Coach)

3) ‘Training for the 11-15 year old endurance athletes, what should you be doing and how is it applied in a training setting’ with Steve Macklin (National Junior Endurance Coach)

1.00-2.00pm- Lunch

2.00-3.00pm- ‘Blood monitoring in the endurance athlete’ with Dr Alan Rankin (Athletics Ireland Medical Lead)

3.00-4.00pm- Breakout Sessions with a choice of the following:

1) ’The training of a European Youth Olympic 1500m Gold Medalist’ with Joe Ryan (National Junior Team Coach)

2) ’Marathon Training- A case study with Lizzie Lee 2016 Rio Olympics Qualifier’ with Donie Walsh (Personal Coach)

3) ‘Training for the 11-15 year old endurance athletes, what should you be doing and how is it applied in a training setting’ with Steve Macklin (National Junior Endurance Coach)

4.00-4.15pm- Coffee

4.30-5.30pm- “S&C and its place in an endurance athletes program” with Joe O Connor (Fitness Consultant at Nisus Fitness/Lecturer Tralee IT)

5.30-5.45pm- Closing Address by Steve Macklin (National Junior Endurance Coach)

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