Entries open for 2015 AIT Baseline Indoor T&F meet - Athletics Ireland

Entries open for 2015 AIT Baseline Indoor T&F meet

27 November 2015

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2015 AIT Baseline Indoor T&F meet

AIT Athletics invites entries for the 3rd annual 'AIT Baseline Indoor T&F Meet' from athletes looking to lay down a marker for the coming indoor season.

Similar to previous years, this will be a low-key event where athletes will have the opportunity to test themselves in several non-standard events on the state-of the-art Athlone IT International Arena track.

While many athletes may not yet feel fully race-fit, the programme comprises of several events often used in training to assess fitness, or lay down a base-line.  So get down to AIT on Wednesday 16th December to lay down your base-line and kick off your indoor season.

NB - as this is presented as a time-trial event, rather than a formal competition, seeding and associated lane draws are not guaranteed in any track event.  All track events will run as heats only.

Categories of competition include Open Men and Open Women only (Juniors, Seniors & Masters are all welcome to compete).

Entries must be made on-line by close of business on Monday 14th December.  Entries are now open HERE. Cost is €5 per event payable on-line. Athletes must be eligible for senior competition as per AAI rules.

First event 7pm.   List of events below in likely running order - actual timetable to be finalised upon close of entries.

Events: Open Male & Open Female 60m, 300m, 3000m, 600m, 150m, LJ, SP, HJ. (NB 2 x 200m relay will be added if sufficient interest - please email paul@athleticsireland.ie to indicate interest in 2x200m

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