
European Cup Combined Events

23 June 2006

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Mairead Murphy Ferrybank and Leona Byrne St Laurence O'Toole travel to the European Cup combined events in Monzon, Spain on 1/2 July with the standard for the world junior heptathlon of 5150 points their target. At the recent AAA championships in Stoke Mairead broke the Irish junior record of her coach Brid Golden with 4917 points . The strong headwinds had a serious affect on performances e.g wind -4.6 for the hurdles and a similar strong wind in the 200 metres.Based on Mairead's hurdles performance in the European Cup an additional 100 points is possible in that event. A target close to the standard is within reach with favourable conditions. Leona has had some fine individual performances in recent times and again a good score is possible. Lucy Moore former pentathlon/heptathlon international is coach/manager

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