European Throwing Cup 2020 in Leiria, Portugal postponed - Athletics Ireland

European Throwing Cup 2020 in Leiria, Portugal postponed

11 March 2020

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European Athletics today (11 March) confirms the immediate postponement of the European Throwing Cup 2020 scheduled to take place in Leiria, Portugal, on 21-22 March. This follows the most recent advice received from the Portuguese national health authority, and the local and regional health authorities, concerning the current outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).

European Athletics will discuss any potential replacement date for the European Throwing Cup 2020 at its next Executive Board meeting scheduled for 24 and 25 March in Lausanne, Switzerland, and will continue to monitor the ongoing situation closely.

At this moment in time the health and well-being of all athletes, officials and spectators is of paramount importance and comes above all other considerations.

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