From September to December 6,500 school children will participate in Athletics Ireland’s new primary school programme, Fit4Class.
Fit4Class introduces primary school children aged 5-10, from junior infants to fourth class to athletics in a fun, engaging and non-competitive environment. It focuses on the use of games to develop fitness whilst enhancing agility, co-ordination and balance, all fundamental to longer term physical athletic development.
In early September DEIS primary school nationwide were invited to register for 300 class places. Schools throughout Ireland registered their classes to participate in the teacher led programme. Once registered, teachers received a Fit4Class pack containing the easy to follow programme booklet and class tracker to monitor progress and motivate students. Upon completion of the programme students will receive Fit4Class wristbands for their efforts.
Fit4Class coordinator Daniel Kilgallon said “The response and uptake to the Fit4Class programme is very positive. The programme has hit schools all over Ireland, from large city schools to small island schools off the Irish coast. It is encouraging to see that the Fit4Class offers young people an equal opportunity to participate in athletics”.
Registration is now full and closed. However, Fit4Class will be rolled out again in early 2017 when primary schools throughout Ireland will be invited to register.
For further information please contact Daniel Kilgallon –