The The Irish Life Health Junior & U23 Indoor championships takes place Sunday 27th January in the AIT International Arena, Athlone.
Please enter HERE. For more information click HERE. Online entry closes Tuesday 22nd at midnight.
Please click HERE for the timetable.
Entry List
The entry list is avaialble HERE. (Updated 5pm 23/01/2019)
General Admission
Due to the increasing popularity of contactless payment via debit and credit cards compared to cash, Athletics Ireland have fully invested in credit card technology. All Athletics Ireland National competition events will now be cashless events. This means we will accept visa debit and contactless payment for general admission.
€10 entry fee per adult
U16's go free!
For any questions or queries please email the competition department on
Irish Life Health National Indoor Championships Sponsor
With an Irish Life Health BeneFit Plan, it pays to feel well.
As part of Benefit Plan from Irish Life Health, Athletics Ireland members can enjoy claiming €50 back on annual club membership, be it your own or your child’s.
Members can also claim up to €50 on those other running essentials including fitness wearables and sports massages.
More Information Available Here.