Spar Mile challenge July 7th James Nolan chats about the SPAR Mile Challenge. It’s always been the classic distance, everyone always talks about how fast they think they could run a mile. I always feel that people appreciate it more when it’s explained to them in real terms, e.g., it’s from your front door to the grocery store. Then they get the idea of how far it is. That’s why I think that providing an opportunity for everyone to have a go at the classic distance is a great idea. People who would not normally have a clue how far or how long it would take them to run a mile have the chance to try it out for themselves. Not only that, but by partaking in the SPAR Mile Challenge they will be able to compare themselves against their partner, workmates, clubmates, people from the same county, people from other counties, and anyone else who takes the challenge on 07/07/07. I remember when I ran my first sub 4 min mile, 3:56.31 in 1999. I was so happy. I broke that magic barrier and went into that elite group of athletes. If I was ever to give advice to anyone on preparing for a mile I would recommend having a goal time, working out the pace and training at that pace over shorter distances to see how it feels. Also, try to convince a friend to do it with you as company makes the training more enjoyable. If you're looking for training advice call down to your local athletics club or check out the Spar Mile Challenge website.
To enter the Mile Challenge Click on Logo "The Event of the Year"
James Nolan
To enter the Mile Challenge Click on Logo "The Event of the Year"