Kells AC: Age is only a number! - Athletics Ireland

Kells AC: Age is only a number!

11 September 2020

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Kells AC is an Athletics club that was Affiliated with Athletics Ireland in February 2020. The club was founded in June 2019 by a couple who wanted to share their love of running with their community.  Kells Ac is a club that supports every individuals abilities & personal goals. The members support & encourage each other through their WhatsApp group, sharing updates of their walks/jogs/runs .

The club has doubled its membership since February and now has 60 members to-date. With 11 men & 49 women ranging in ages between early 20s to mid-60s. Kells Ac has proved to many that age is only a number and its never to late to start. Approximately half of its members had only started running in the past year. The club remained positive during lockdown hosting a fundraiser raising over €5000 towards the establishment of a sosad centre .

Kells Ac keeps motivated by entering virtual runs from 1 mile challenge to half Marathons. The club is now busy training for a virtual run within the club in October . Every member running their personal Marathon from 5km to 26 mile. As 2020 is the year of women in sport here’s an insight to some of the amazing strong women who walk/jog/run with Kells AC. 

A blurb by Frances Campbell (Fit4Life Leader of Kells AC)

Contact Kells AC at

Kells AC Facebook Page

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