Leinster Academy Squads 2020/21 - Athletics Ireland

Leinster Academy Squads 2020/21

2 October 2020

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We are delighted to announce details for the 2020/2021 Leinster Development and Performance Academy Squads which take place from October – January with the possibility of an extra date in Spring 2021.

All athletes who register for either the Development or Performance squad will receive an Athletics Ireland bag at the end of the squads.

 Development SquadPerformance squad
Saturday 17th October in Morton Stadium11am – 1pm2pm-4pm
Saturday 7th November in Morton Stadium   11am – 1pm  2pm-4pm
Saturday 5th December in Moton Stadium  11am – 1pm2pm-4pm
Saturday 9th January 2021 in Morton Stadium 11am – 1pm 2pm-4pm


The Development Squad takes place from 11am – 1pm on each day and is open to all athletes aged 12 years +. The squad will cost €35 per athlete for all 4 sessions.

Please check in at the venue from 10.30am. Athletes may try different events but please chose just one event on registration. Events covered each day on the Development Squad are as follows:

Sprints, Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump, Shot, Javelin



The Academy Performance Squad takes place 2-4pm each day for U16 to U20 athletes only (2019-2020 season age groups) and cover Sprints, Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump/Triple Jump, Shot, Discus, Javelin, Hammer and Pole Vault. The squad will cost €35 per athlete for all 4 sessions.

Traditionally we would select athletes based on performances at regional championships. As we have no results to go on this year, we are opening this to all athletes who were selected on the performance squad last year and to others who wish to join.

If an athlete is new or still developing in a certain event, we would ask parents and coaches to direct them towards the Development Squad.



For further information please contact

Colette Quinn - colettequinn@athleticsireland.ie or  085 8712817

Shane Aston - Shane.Aston@itcarlow.ie or (089) 2336739

Colin Byrne colinbyrne@athleticsireland.ie (087) 0632326

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