Level Two Coaching Course Update - Athletics Ireland

Level Two Coaching Course Update

28 July 2015

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A Level 2 coaching course will be held in Athlone IT during September and October.  This is open to active coaches who currently hold at least a Level 1 coaching qualification.  The course takes place over three weekends and costs €150.  The first weekend covers coaching theory and the following weekends will see the groups split into the event groups i.e. Endurance, Jumps, Throws and Sprints/Hurdles.  Each coach will select one of these areas.  There will be an assessment on the final weekend.  Online entry is currently open on the “Calendar” tab which is on the “Coaching” page.


The dates are as follows:

  • 5th / 6th September
  • 12th / 13th September
  • 3rd / 4th October

Any queries to patryan@athleticsireland.ie

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