NIA Live 2022 - Athletics Ireland

NIA Live 2022

21 January 2022

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NIA Live Season 5 is back with a BANG in 2022! 

January 19th was an exciting night of Irish Athletics with the second NIA Live Meet living up to expectations with 225 Athletes from around Ireland and the UK took the National Indoor Arena by storm across 35 races. 

Meet Director, Athletics Ireland David Matthews said, “I am delighted to have such quality and numbers in the series this year, with Athletes traveling from all around the country and from the UK to partake. Our next meeting on the 16th of Feb promises to be bigger, better and sell out once again in record time!”

Throughout the night we were treated to strong performances from all of the athletes, many of whom set or closely missed out on setting new PB's. The highlights of the night came from both the track and field, with Conor Callinan from Leevale AC setting a new National U20 Pole Vault record of 4.75 metres, the 17-year-old is a rising star for Irish Pole Vaulting and one to watch this season. Track side Anne Gilshinan from Slaney Olympic AC set a new World Record (W55- 1500m) in a time of 4:43.59, almost 2 seconds inside her previous mark set at the last NIA Live Meet. 

The next NIA Live meet is set for February 16th, after this meet it is sure to sell out just as fast. 

For all of the results from the night, see HERE 


(Anne Gilshinan from Slaney Olympic AC)                   (Conor Callinan from Leevale AC)

Both photos from Ciarán Conlan

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