Proposed Athletics Coaches Association - Athletics Ireland

Proposed Athletics Coaches Association

29 January 2008

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Athletics Ireland are examining the possibility of supporting the development of a coaches association affiliated to the European Athletics Coaches Association At the recent IAAF course for elite coaches , those of us who present from Ireland , were asked by Frank Dick ,(President of the European Athletic Coaches Association) about the possibility of forming such an Association in Ireland which would allow such a body to affiliate to the European organisation , thus accessing coaching resources and materials, and other valuable benefits , such as coaching contacts . We also suggested that it could be useful for member coaches to meet at provincial /regional level as a forum for discussion of local needs. These suggestions were raised at the Coaching Committee of Athletics Ireland, and were positively received, as a means of hearing the coaching views and needs of our many hard-working, voluntary coaches at every level. To begin this process those that are interested in developing such an organisation might express an interest to us and give us some feedback so if you could fill out the following and return by e-mail to Gary Ryan at or by post to Maeve Kyle c/o Athletics Ireland 19 Northwood Court, Northwood Business Campus, Santry, Dublin 9 Name :........................................ Address :............................................. ........................................... ....................................................... Mobile no................................ phone no.......................... e-mail.................................................................. Coaching level............................ Event/s............................................... Working with Club/Group..................................................................................................................................... Would you support the above suggestion at Local.................... Regional.................... /National level ....................... ? How do you see such a Forum helping your coaching / athletes ? .............................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

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