Athletics Ireland has agreed to take part in the International U18 Match - Franconville, France 31 July - 1st August 2021. Athletics Ireland are now seeking expressions of interest based on the information contained in the attached document from athletes born 2004 or 2005 only.
Entry standards and a link to the 'Expression of Interest' form can be found HERE.
Note 14.7.21: Irish team management have sought an extension to the deadline for entries to the International U18 Match, Franconville, France to allow athletes competing in the Regional championships at the weekend to record up to date performances for selection consideration. Management are also seeking clarification from the French organisers regarding the number of athletes to travel in view of ongoing Covid restrictions. We are awaiting official confirmation from the French event organisers in respect of these issues.
Note 15.07.21: Team management are pleased to confirmed that the organisers of International U18 Match, Franconville, France have extended the deadline for entries until July 20th. Performances from this weekends Regional competitions can now be considered in the selection process, athletes should submit new SB if applicable. Deadline for application up to and including July 18th. The team of approx 20 athletes will be announced once travel approval has been confirmed.”