The young athletes of the Ulster/N.Ireland –North West and South Regional Squads –will meet this weekend Sat 16th and Sun 17th February at Shercock Athletics Club and at Templemore Sports Complex, Derry City. Shercock AC extensive athletics facility will be used on Sat from 10.30 to 1pm while the North West Squad moves to Templemores Tartan Track on Sunday 2 to 4pm. The format at both venues will be similar to previous Regional Squad sessions with an event specific seventy five minutes practical –where athletes will work with an experienced coach. The session will conclude with a relevant presentation for the young athlete and coach. For dates, venues and contact details of all upcoming squad days please see the comprehensive coaching and development calendar here. Further details contact Elaine McCafferty, Athletics Northern Ireland Dev Officer 00447841804034 or Eamon Harvey, Athletics Ireland RDO 0872797548