The Let’s Talk Periods campaign has been a great success in 2024. Over 200 coaches, parents and volunteers accessed our free webinars and have received links to videos and resources to support their clubs.
We had 15 clubs take part in a pilot programme to trial Period Supportive Posters. These were designed ‘by girls for girls’ with support from Athletics Ireland and Sport Ireland.
Clubs are putting into practice measures to support their teenage athletes, and the feedback has been very positive.
To Access Free period posters please follow the link 10 Step Checklist – Period Supportive Environment | HerMoves
In 2025 we would like to see all clubs being period supportive
TUAM AC (Case Study)
Tuam AC recently have worked with the Athletics Ireland Let’s Talk Periods Campaign to get their girls and coaches thinking and talking. Here are a few amazing things they have done.
The club put together their own period packs using these cool bags. Sarah said ‘I thought they were very appropriate. The girls loved them. We put everything you might need in a period in there – pads, spare pants, wipes, plastic bags. We are not in an ideal set up as we don’t have a track, we are usually in a park or other outdoor venue but we feel it’s important just to have them there so the girls know they are supported.’
Sarah, their coach, used quiz questions to get them thinking and talking about their menstrual cycles and used the QR codes on the period supportive posters as a starting point. The prizes were their own period packs. The club has also been asking the girls to track their cycles using a diary. This has sparked good conversations about why they might do that.
If your club is interested in starting ‘Let’s Talk Periods’ or want to showcase the work you are already doing please contact Anna Grealish for more information and support.